In the past scientists(biologists,biotechnologist,chemists) used to rely on real time experiments and practical approach for deriving even minute details of a study,Manuel approach for study always required the scientist to do experiments and take measurements(temp,enzyme,etc) with exact precession even a single error could result in an abortive experimentation and thus wastage of hard work, finance etc...with the advancement of technology we observed an increasing influence of technology in the field of Biotechnology , Molecular biology later Drugs and pharmaceutical industry... This ever increasing influential part of technology involving Molecular biology,BT.This application of Information technology in molecular biology was later termed as BIOINFORMATICS coined by PAULIEN HOEGWEG in 1979..thus the scientist community could easily rely on machine derived calculations and values for deriving experiments making the work less erroneous and low manual workload.
In Vitro work into In Silico work is the main bioinformatics application
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